Tromsø Outdoor recommendations for your dog sledding tour

Tromsø Outdoor does not organize the dog sled activities, however we are ready to provide you with the equipment that may be handy on your tour:

- winter clothes and boots
- tripods for your camera
- thermoses
- headlights
- reindeer hides and other equipment you may need

Take a look on the offers from other companies, most of this equipment should be included in your dog sledding tour.

Most of the activities providers include above articles in their offer, so you may want to check on your booking confirmation before you place an order with us.

For tours we would like to recommend you to take a look at the dog sledding activities organised by:

- Hege and Per Tore at Arctic Adventure Tours

- Tore at Active Tromsø

These are smaller companies providing professional, more individual and high quality services.

- Tromsø Safari

- Tromsø Villmarkssenter

These are bigger companies with larger amount of dogs and guests, more various offers at different price levels.

The companies listed above have been on the market for several years now and, just like Tromsø Outdoor, they work to develop both themselves and Tromsø as a destination in general, focusing on service quality and local cooperation. We highly recommend them!

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